I am inspired by everyone who attended my Sweet Tooth Sorcery class. The overwhelming amount of interest on the topic of managing sugar cravings has moved me to write a series of blogs based on the information I gave in that class.
I know it’s challenging too look at this habit, but you can do this (If I can, you can)! Never hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions. Through a series of emails and blogs-to-come, I hope to help you identify your level of imbalance and understand the tools necessary to get you back on track.
First thing to remember: It’s not your fault! Industrialized food manufacturers have us surrounded by hyper-palatable, hyper-processed, super sweet foods available everywhere we go. We are biologically programmed to store as much energy as we can for survival. Our intricate system of hormones ensures that we seek out sweet foods and load up on them for the lean months. The problem is, there are no lean months.
The hormones (insulin, leptin and ghrelin) work together to regulate blood sugar levels, fat storage, appetite and energy. Very simply put, insulin transfers energy (sugars) out of the blood to be stored in the cells (as fat) for later use. It also pulls the energy out of the cells when the body needs it. To simplify, leptin tells the brain that enough fat is stored, and the brain regulates the appetite accordingly (decreases appetite). Ghrelin tells the brain when the stomach is empty, triggering hunger (increases appetite). Eating processed sugars (and simple carbohydrates) quickly and consistently throws this system out of whack. There are a multitude of hormonal processes here, but the bottom line is that when these hormones are not balanced our bodies respond.
Here’s How
The body stores more fat: Insulin blocks the brain’s ability to sense leptin (the hormone that tells your brain you’ve had enough) so your brain thinks you need to eat more, particularly more sugar and more fat. Your body gets locked into a sort of loop, and wants to take in more food, expend less energy and make more fat instead.
The body craves unhealthy foods: When we are low on specific nutrients, our brains create a hunger for certain foods, normally a great way to create balance. However, when your brain falsely thinks you are low on sugar and fat, you end up feeling hungry for exactly the kinds of foods you should be avoiding.
The body is never satisfied: When you’re body is fooled by higher than necessary insulin levels you start to feel rewarded for eating the wrong kinds of food and need to eat more and more of those foods to feel satisfied.
The body has less energy: Higher than necessary insulin levels can trick your brain into thinking that it is low on fuel and needs to conserve energy. Because your brain thinks it is low on fat reserves with leptin being blocked, it will put your body into a kind of “conservation mode” in order to save energy. Your metabolism slows and you feel lethargic because your body thinks it shouldn’t spend energy.
It is no wonder it's so easy to get stuck in the loop of weight gain, food cravings and low energy when our biology and the food all around us normalizes this battle, but knowledge is power and you can win this. I believe in you. Don't wait another day to begin the creation of more energy and control over your appetite and weight.
Start with simple shifts:
Put yourself on a hydration schedule.
Don’t skip meals (protein, fat & veg at each meal & cut out sugar & processed food)!
Get enough sleep (pay attention to sleep hygiene and what gets you to sleep).
Follow these instructions. Do it for at least 5 days in a row. I can almost promise you that, if you do, you will start to see positive changes in your cravings. I’d love to hear the kinds of changes this creates in your life so let me know what works for you.
We’re always here to help. If you want help with your sleep, digestion and any other concern, send us an email or give us a call for a Free Consultation.